Friday, March 4, 2011

Northwest Flower and Garden Show

How serendipitous--the Northwest Flower and Garden Show was on at the conference center, which is somewhere I wanted to take Robert anyway--the artwork in the Conference Center is wonderful, some is for sale, and there are both large and small works, sculpture, mobiles, paintings, all media (again--Detroit [and Michigan], please get a clue--this is what a 1% for art program will do). Generally, you can always go in and walk around the Conference Center--I highly recommend it as a destination.

The Bonsai exhibit had trees that were 100's of years old--amazing. The one pictured above is from 1800, I believe. The craft vendors were amazing, everything from jewelry to flaming cattail sculptures. Lots of wonderful clay and glass works, which I suppose would be OK for outdoors in the Northwest.

And now a word from our sponsor--why, why, why does Detroit or even Michigan not have a 1% for Art program? The impact on Seattle is amazing--there is art EVERYWHERE--and not just big, honking blue sculptures. There are small sculptures and other public artworks throughout the City, it's just amazing--I'll be we saw at least 100 pieces of public art while we were there and we only visited a few select neighborhoods.

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